Loops are control structures that allow us to execute a block of code repeatedly. Code within loops can be executed either
a specific number of times (definite loop), or
until a certain condition is met (indefinite loop).
In VBA, there are four main loop structures:
For … Next
Do While … Loop (Do … Loop While)
Do Until … Loop (Do … Loop Until)
For Each … Next
Most of these structures can be used interchangeably, but each has its own use case.
10.1 Elements of a Loop
Initialization. Set the initial value of the iteration variable. For example, i = 1, count = 0, etc.
Stop Condition. Define the condition that stops the loop. For example, i <= 10, count < 5, etc.
Increment/Decrement. Update the iteration variable to move to the next iteration. For example, i = i + 1, count = count + 1, etc.
What Is Happening Inside the Loop?
Loops add complexity to the program control flow. To better understand the execution sequence:
Track your code line by line using Step into... (press F8).
Check what each variable holds in the Locals window.
10.2 Common Applications of Loops
In the following, we will cover the different applications of loops in VBA. Consider coming back to these examples after learning the details of each loop structure.
10.2.1 Iterating Over Arrays or Collections
Loops allow you to process each element in an array or collection. For example:
Processing each cell in a range.
Iterating over a list of numbers.
OptionExplicitSub LoopOverArrayExample()'Array of numbersDim numbers(1 To 5) AsInteger numbers(1) = 10 numbers(2) = 20 numbers(3) = 30 numbers(4) = 40 numbers(5) = 50'Iteration variableDim i AsInteger'Initialization and stop conditionFor i = 1 To 5 Debug.Print "Number: " & numbers(i)Next i 'Increment iteration variable (i = i + 1)End Sub
10.2.2 Calculating Aggregates
Each iteration can update a variable to calculate the aggregate. For example:
Summing all numbers in a range.
Counting the number of cells with a specific value.
OptionExplicitSub SummaryStatisticsExample()'Calculate summary statistics for the numbers in cells A1:A10'Worksheet objectDim ws As WorksheetSet ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")'Range objectDim rng As RangeSet rng = ws.Range("A1:A10")'Iteration variableDim i AsInteger'Variables to store summary statisticsDim sum AsDoubleDim count AsIntegerDim average AsDouble'Initialization sum = 0 count = 0'Stop condition (loop while i <= 10)For i = 1 To 10'Check if cell is not emptyIf Not IsEmpty(rng.Cells(i, 1)) Then'Increment count count = count + 1'Add cell value to sum sum = sum + rng.Cells(i, 1).ValueEnd IfNext i 'Increment iteration variable (i = i + 1)'Calculate average average = sum / count Debug.Print "Sum:", sum Debug.Print "Count:", count Debug.Print "Average:", averageEnd Sub
10.2.3 Data Validation and Input
Loops can repeatedly prompt for user input until a valid value is entered. For example:
Repetitively asking for numbers within a range.
Repetitively asking for the correct input format of a password or list of arguments.
OptionExplicitSub DataValidationExample()'User inputDim userInput AsInteger'Stop condition (loop while userInput is not in the range 1 to 100)Do userInput = InputBox("Enter a number between 1 and 100:")Loop While userInput < 1 Or userInput > 100 Debug.Print "Valid Input:", userInputEnd Sub
10.2.4 Searching and Filtering
Loops can be used to search for specific elements in a collection. For example:
Finding the first occurrence of a value in a range.
Filtering elements that meet a specific condition.
Searching for the maximum or minimum value in a range.
Finding the index of a specific element in an array.
OptionExplicitSub SearchMaxNumberInMatrixExample()'Iteration variablesDim row AsIntegerDim col AsInteger'Matrix dimensionsDim numRows AsIntegerDim numCols AsInteger'Matrix in a 2D array (cells in a 3x3 range) numRows = 3 numCols = 3'Initialization of the maximum number'Assuming the first cell has the maximum valueDim maxNumber AsDouble maxNumber = Cells(1, 1).Value'Loop cells in spreadsheetFor row = 1 To numRowsFor col = 1 To numCols'Check if cell value is greater than the current maxIf Cells(row, col).Value > maxNumber Then maxNumber = Cells(row, col).ValueEnd IfNext colNext row Debug.Print "Max Number:", maxNumberEnd Sub
10.2.5 Generating Patterns or Sequences
With loops, the same code block can be executed multiple times to generate patterns or sequences. If the sequence obeys a logic that depends on the iteration number, loops are a good choice. For example:
Calculating the factorial of a number (1 * 2 * 3 * … * n).
Generating a sequence of prime numbers.
OptionExplicitSub GeneratePrimeNumbersExample()'Iteration variablesDim i AsIntegerDim j AsInteger'Stop condition (loop while i <= 100)For i = 2 To 100'Assume i is primeDim isPrime AsBoolean isPrime = True'Check if i is divisible by any number from 2 to i - 1For j = 2 To i - 1If i Mod j = 0 Then isPrime = FalseExit ForEnd IfNext j'If i is prime, print itIf isPrime Then Debug.Print "Prime Number:", iEnd IfNext iEnd Sub
10.2.6 Repeating Actions
Loops can be used to repeat actions or apply the same operation to multiple elements. For example:
Sending emails to a list of recipients.
Applying a pixel transformation to an image.
OptionExplicitSub SendEmail(email AsString, subject AsString, body AsString)'Code to send an email Debug.Print "Sending email to:", email Debug.Print "Subject:", subject Debug.Print "Body:", bodyEnd SubSub SendEmailsExample()'Loop over a list of names and emails in cells A1:B10Dim i AsIntegerFor i = 1 To 10Dim name AsStringDim email AsString name = Cells(i, 1) email = Cells(i, 2) SendEmail email, "Subject", "Hello " & name & ", this is a test email."Next iEnd Sub
10.3 Looping Statements
In the following sections, we will cover the different loop structures in VBA. These structures allow you to repeat a block of code a specified number of times or until a certain condition is met.
Loops Across Programming Languages
The loop structures in VBA are similar to those in other programming languages. If you learn loops in VBA, you will be able to apply the same concepts in other languages like Python, Java, or C++.
10.4 For…Next Loop (Definite)
When you know in advance how many times you want to execute a block of code, you can use a For loop. In this structure, the loop configuration, namely the initialization, stop condition, and increment, are defined in a single line, at the beginning of the loop. In Figure 10.1, we have the structure of a For loop. Notice that the condition is checked at the beginning of the loop. Then, the loop body is executed if the condition is True and the iteration variable is updated before checking the condition again.
Figure 10.1: Structure of a For loop. The loop is configured at the beginning, with the initialization, stop condition, and increment. The condition is checked at the beginning of the loop. Then, the loop body is executed if the condition is True. If the condition is False, the loop is exited. After executing the loop body, the iteration variable is updated before checking the condition again.
In Listing 10.1, we have a For loop that prints the numbers from 1 to 5.
Listing 10.1: A For loop that prints the numbers from 1 to 5. First, the iteration variable i is initialized to 1. Then, the stop condition is defined as i <= 5 and i is set to increment by 1 in each iteration (keyword Step 1). The loop body prints the value of i and increments i by 1. The loop stops when i is equal to 5.
OptionExplicitSub ForLoopIncrementExample()'Iteration variableDim i AsInteger'Initialization: i = 1'Stop condition: i <= 5'Increment: i = i + 1For i = 1 To 5 Step 1 Debug.Print "Iteration " & i'Update iteration variable by 1 (i = i + 1)Next iEnd Sub
10.4.1 Using Step in For Loop
The Step keyword allows you to specify the increment or decrement value. For example, in the code below, Step 2 will increment the loop variable by 2 each time:
OptionExplicitSub ForLoopIncrementWithStepExample()'Iteration variableDim i AsInteger'Stop condition (loop while i <= 10)For i = 1 To 10 Step 2 Debug.Print "Iteration " & i'Update iteration variable according to step value (i = i + Step)Next iEnd Sub
If you want to decrement the loop variable, you can use a negative value for Step.
In the example below, the loop will decrement by 1 each time:
OptionExplicitSub ForLoopDecrementExample()'Iteration variableDim i AsInteger'Initialization: i = 5'Stop condition: i >= 1'Decrement: i = i - 1For i = 5 To 1 Step -1 Debug.Print "Iteration " & i'Update iteration variable according with Step value (i = i + Step)Next iEnd Sub
10.4.2 Nested Loops
Nested loops are loops within loops. They are useful when you need to perform multiple iterations based on different conditions.
When using nested loops, the inner loop will complete all its iterations before the outer loop moves to the next iteration. For example, in the code below, the inner loop will run 3 times for each iteration of the outer loop.
OptionExplicitSub NestedLoopExample()'Iteration variablesDim i AsInteger, j AsInteger'Outer loop run while i <= 3 (stop condition)For i = 1 To 3'Inner loop run while j <= 2 (stop condition)For j = 1 To 2 Debug.Print "Outer Loop: " & i & ", Inner Loop: " & jNext j 'Update iteration variable (j = j + 1)Next i 'Update iteration variable (i = i + 1)End Sub
10.5 Exercises (For Loop)
10.5.1 Cumulative Sum of Numbers
Write a function named CumulativeSumNumbers that takes an integer n as input and returns the sum of all numbers from 1 to n.
Write a Sub named PrintTrianglePattern that prints a triangle pattern of asterisks (*) in the Immediate Window.
The Sub takes as input - Integern: Height of the triangle - Stringside: “left” or “rigth” triangle
And prints the triangle pattern of n lines aligned to the left or right (see examples below in the TestPrintTrianglePattern Sub).
OptionExplicitSub PrintTrianglePattern(n AsInteger, side AsString)'Add code here!End SubSub TestPrintTrianglePattern()Call PrintTrianglePattern(4, "left")'Result:'*'**'***'****Call PrintTrianglePattern(4, "right")'Result:' *' **' ***'****End Sub
10.5.8 Print an X Pattern
Write a Sub named PrintXPattern that takes an integer n as input and prints an “X” pattern of asterisks (*) in the Immediate Window.
OptionExplicitSub PrintXPattern(n AsInteger)'Add code here!End Sub'VBA Sub to test PrintXPattern functionSub TestPrintXPattern() PrintXPattern (5)'Expected result:'* *' * *' *' * *'* *End Sub
10.5.9 Reverse a String
Write a VBA function named ReverseString that takes a string str as input and returns a new string with the characters of str reversed.
Use Len to get the size of the string.
Use Mid to extract substrings.
OptionExplicitFunction ReverseString(str AsString) AsString'Add code here!End Function'VBA Sub to test ReverseString functionSub TestReverseString() Debug.Assert ReverseString("Hello, World!") = "!dlroW ,olleH" Debug.Assert ReverseString("") = "" Debug.Assert ReverseString("12345") = "54321" Debug.Assert ReverseString("a") = "a"End Sub
10.5.10 Count Vowels in a String
Write a VBA function named CountVowels that takes a string str as input and returns the count of vowels (A, E, I, O, U) in the string.
OptionExplicitFunction CountVowels(ByVal str AsString) AsInteger'Add code here!End Function'VBA Sub to test CountVowels functionSub TestCountVowels() Debug.Assert CountVowels("Hello, World!") = 4 Debug.Assert CountVowels("") = 0 Debug.Assert CountVowels("AEIOUaeiou") = 10 Debug.Assert CountVowels("12345") = 0End Sub
10.5.11 Remove Spaces from a String
Write a VBA function named RemoveSpaces that takes a string str as input and returns a new string with all spaces removed.
OptionExplicitFunction RemoveSpaces(ByVal str AsString) AsString'Add code here!End Function'VBA Sub to test RemoveSpaces functionSub TestRemoveSpaces() Debug.Assert RemoveSpaces("Hello, World!") = "Hello,World!" Debug.Assert RemoveSpaces("") = "" Debug.Assert RemoveSpaces("Remove spaces") = "Removespaces" Debug.Assert RemoveSpaces("123 45") = "12345"End Sub
10.6 Do While … Loop (Do … Loop While) (Indefinite)
This loop allows to repeat a block of code until a certain condition is met. It can be used when the number of iterations is not known in advance. It is the opposite of the Do Until loop (see Section 10.8).
Do While loops as long as the condition evaluates to True.
Do Until loops until the stop condition evaluates to True.
In Figure 10.2, we have the structure of a Do While loop. Notice that the condition is checked at the beginning of the loop. Then, the loop body is executed if the condition is True.
Figure 10.2: Strucutre of a Do While loop. Notice that the condition is checked at the beginning of the loop. Then, the loop body is executed if the condition is True. If the condition is False, the loop is exited. Inside the loop, the iteration variable is updated before checking the condition again.
In Listing 10.2, we have a do-while loop that prints the numbers from 1 to 5.
Listing 10.2: A do-while loop that prints the numbers from 1 to 5. First, the iteration variable n is initialized to 1. Then, the loop body is executed while n is less than 5. The loop body prints the value of n and increments n by 1. The loop stops when n is equal to 5.
OptionExplicitSub DoWhileLoopExample()'Iteration variableDim count AsInteger'Initialization count = 1'Stop condition (stop if evaluates to False; loop as long as'count is lower or equal than 5)Do While count <= 5 Debug.Print "Count: " & count'Increment iteration variable (count = count + 1) count = count + 1'Send the control flow back to check the stop conditionLoopEnd Sub
10.6.1 Entering the Loop Before Checking the Stop Condition
Sometimes you want to ensure that the loop runs at least once. In this case, you can use the Do … Loop While structure. In Figure 10.3, we have the structure of a Do … Loop While loop. In Listing 10.3, we have a Do … Loop While loop that prints the number 6. Notice that count starts with 6 (i.e., the stop condition is True) but the code block within the loop is executed nevertheless. This happens because the condition is checked at the end of the loop.
Figure 10.3: In a Do … Loop While loop, the loop body is executed before checking the stop condition. This allows the loop to run at least once, even if the stop condition is already met.
Listing 10.3: Example of a Do … Loop While loop that prints the number 6. The iteration variable count is initialized to 6. The loop body prints the value of count and increments count by 1. The loop stops when count is equal to 5. Notice that the loop body is executed at least once, even if the stop condition is already met.
OptionExplicitSub DoLoopWhileExample()'Iteration variableDim count AsInteger'Initialization count = 6Do 'Execute block first, check stop condition later Debug.Print "Count: " & count count = count + 1 'Increment of iteration variable'Stop condition (loop as long as count is lower or equal than 5)Loop While count <= 5End Sub
Checking the condition at the end is especially useful when you need to validate user input before entering the loop. For example, in the code below, the user is prompted to enter a number between 1 and 100. The loop will keep asking for input until a valid number is entered.
OptionExplicitSub DoLoopWhileDataValidationExample()Dim userInput AsIntegerDo userInput = InputBox("Enter a number between 1 and 100:")Loop While userInput < 1 Or userInput > 100 Debug.Print "Valid Input:", userInputEnd Sub
If we didn’t use the Do … Loop While structure, the code would look like this:
OptionExplicitSub WithoutDoLoopWhileDataValidationExample()Dim userInput AsInteger userInput = InputBox("Enter a number between 1 and 100:")Do While userInput < 1 Or userInput > 100 userInput = InputBox("Enter a number between 1 and 100:")Loop Debug.Print "Valid Input:", userInputEnd Sub
Notice that in the second example, the code block is not executed before checking the stop condition. So we need to repeat the InputBox code twice.
10.7 Exercises (Do While)
10.7.1 Euro Cup Group Stage Matches Generator
The UEFA European Football Championship, commonly known as the Euro Cup, is a football competition held every four years.
In the Euro Cup, teams are distributed across different groups based on their past performance. For example, in Euro Cup 2024, 24 teams are divided into 6 groups of 4 teams each. In Table 10.1, we have a list of teams in Column A that need to be randomly assigned matches against other teams in the same group.
Table 10.1: Teams in Group A of the Euro Cup 2024.
Team Name
The rules to assign matches are as follows:
A team cannot play against itself.
Each team must play against a different team in the same group.
Create a Sub named GenerateEuroCupMatches that assigns matches to teams in a group. The teams listed in Column A must be randomly assigned an opponent from the same group in Column B.
10.7.2 Best Student Finder
In Table 10.2, we have the scores of students in different subjects. The table contains the student ID in Column A, and the scores in Columns B, C, and D for Programming, Probability, and Core Topics, respectively.
Table 10.2: Matrix of student scores in different subjects.
Best Grade:
Best Student:
Aiming to analyze the performance of students in each subject to select next year’s TAs, develop a Subroutine called FindBestStudentsPerSubject that determines the best grade in each subject and the student who obtained that grade. For example, in Table 10.2, the best grade in Programming is 85, and the student who obtained that grade is 1. Therefore, the output in B5 should be 85, and the output in B6 should be s01.A
10.7.3 Print Two Different Numbers Within a Range
Write a Sub named PrintTwoRandomNumbers that takes two integer parameters, minRange and maxRange. It generates and prints two different random numbers within the specified range in the Immediate Window. Ensure the two generated numbers are different.
Random Numbers Between Two Integers
Use function WorksheetFunction.RandBetween to generate the numbers. For example, WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 10) will generate a random number between 1 and 10.
Sub PrintTwoRandomNumbers(minRange AsInteger, maxRange AsInteger)'This code will generated random sequences Rnd -1 Randomize 400 'Change this number to get new sequences'Add code here!End SubSub TestPrintTwoRandomNumbers()'Your answer has to print two different numbers within 'the ranges below in the immediate windowCall PrintTwoRandomNumbers(1, 10)Call PrintTwoRandomNumbers(50, 100)Call PrintTwoRandomNumbers(20, 10)End Sub
10.7.4 Find a Random Number Less Than 50
Write a function named FindRandomNumber that repeatedly generates random numbers until it finds a number less than 50.
OptionExplicitFunction FindRandomNumber()'This code will generated random sequences Rnd -1 Randomize 400 'Change this number to get new sequences'Add code here!End FunctionSub TestFindRandomNumber() Debug.Assert FindRandomNumber < 50End Sub
10.7.5 Generate a Random Prime Number
Write a Sub named GenerateRandomPrime that repeatedly generates random numbers until it finds a prime number.
Stop when a prime number is found, and print how many iterations it took to find the prime number.
Create a function IsPrime to be used inside the loop.
OptionExplicitSub GenerateRandomPrime()'This code will generated random sequences Rnd -1 Randomize 400 'Change this number to get new sequences'Add code here!End Sub'VBA Sub to test GenerateRandomPrime functionSub TestGenerateRandomPrime() GenerateRandomPrime'> Result with Randomize 45:'Random Prime Number: 67 / #Iterations: 1'> Result with Randomize 7:'Random Prime Number: 7 / #Iterations: 2'> Result with Randomize 400:'Random Prime Number: 53 / #Iterations: 6 End Sub
10.7.6 Find the Largest Digit in a Number
Write a function named LargestDigit that takes an integer n as input and returns the largest digit in n.
10.8 Do Until…Loop (Do … Loop Until) (Indefinite loop)
The Do Until loop allows you to repeat a block of code until a certain condition is met. It can be used when the number of iterations is not known in advance. It is the opposite of the Do While loop:
Do Until loops until the stop condition evaluates to True. Therefore, the loop body is executed if the condition is False.
Do While loops as long as the condition evaluates to True. Therefore, the loop body is executed if the condition is True.
When to Use Do Until
Whichever loop you choose (Do While or Do Until) depends on the condition you want to check. If you want to check if a condition is True, use Do While. If you want to check if a condition is False, use Do Until. It will depend on the logic of your program, what is more readable or intuitive, and what makes more sense in the context of your code.
Figure 10.4: Structure of a Do Until loop. The stop condition is checked at the beginning of the loop. The loop body is executed if the condition is False. If the condition is True, the loop is exited. Inside the loop, the iteration variable is updated before checking the condition again.
Listing 10.4: A Do Until loop that prints the numbers from 1 to 4. First, the iteration variable n is initialized to 1. Then, the loop body is executed until n is greater than or equal to 5. The loop body prints the value of n and increments n by 1. The loop stops when n is equal to 5.
OptionExplicitSub DoUntilLoopExample()'Iteration variableDim count AsInteger'Initialization count = 1'Stop condition (stop if evaluates to True)'Loops until count is greater than 5Do Until count >= 5 Debug.Print "Count: " & count'Increment iteration variable (count = count + 1) count = count + 1'Send control flow back to check the stop conditionLoopEnd Sub
10.8.1 Entering the Loop Before Checking the Stop Condition
Sometimes you want to ensure that the loop runs at least once. In this case, you can use the Do … Loop Until structure. In Figure 10.5, we have the structure of a Do … Loop Until loop. In Listing 10.5, we have a Do … Loop Until loop that prints the number 6
graph LR
Start((Start)) --> LoopStart[Initialize<br>iteration variable]
LoopStart --> Do
Do -->Statement1["`**Loop Body**
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement N
_(Update iteration variable)_`"]
Statement1-->Condition -->|False| Do
Condition{Until<br>Condition} -->|True| End((End))
Figure 10.5: In a Do … Loop Until loop, the loop body is executed before checking the stop condition. This allows the loop to run at least once, even if the stop condition is already met.
Listing 10.5: A Do … Loop Until loop that prints the number 6. First, the iteration variable n is initialized to 6. Then, the loop body is executed until n is greater than or equal to 6. Notice that the loop body is executed before checking the stop condition (6 is already greater than or equal to 6). This is why the loop runs only once.
OptionExplicitSub DoLoopUntilExample()'Iteration variableDim count AsInteger'Initialization count = 6Do 'Execute block first, check stop condition later Debug.Print "Count: " & count'Increment iteration variable (count = count + 1) count = count + 1'Stop condition (loop as long as count is lower or equal than 5)Loop Until count >= 6End Sub
10.9 Exercises (Do Until)
Repeat the exercises for the Do While loop using Do Until.
10.10 For Each…Next Loop
The For Each loop is used to iterate through elements of a collection. A collection is an iterable object (e.g., array, Range). With the For Each loop, you can process each item in a collection without knowing its size in advance.
In Figure 10.6, we have the structure of a For Each loop. Notice that the loop is initialized with a collection and the loop body is executed for each element in the collection, stopping when all elements have been processed.
graph LR
LoopStart-->For[For Each]
For-->Condition{"Next element
in collection?"}
Condition--->|True|Statement1["`**Loop Body**
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement N`"]
Condition---->|False| End((End))
Figure 10.6: Structure of a For Each loop. The loop is initialized with a collection. The loop body is executed for each element in the collection. The loop stops when all elements have been processed.
In Listing 10.6, we have a For Each loop that prints the elements of a collection.
Listing 10.6: A For Each loop that prints the elements of a collection. First, a collection named fruits is created and populated with three elements. The loop body prints each element of the collection. The loop stops when all elements have been processed.
OptionExplicitSub ForEachLoopExample()'Creating a collectionDim fruits As CollectionSet fruits = New Collection'Populating (adding elements to) the collection fruits.Add "Apple" fruits.Add "Banana" fruits.Add "Cherry"'Indexes = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]' Fruits = [Apple, Banana, Cherry]'Iteration variable (Variant because collection can hold any type)Dim fruit AsVariant'Initialization and stop conditionFor Each fruit In fruits Debug.Print "Fruit: " & fruitNext fruit 'Increment (go to the next element in collection)End Sub
10.11 Loops and Continue
Sometimes you need to skip part of the code in a loop and continue to the next iteration. The “continue” behavior:
ends the current iteration in a loop, and
continues to the next iteration.
Using continue, you can skip code for certain iterations.
In VBA, the behavior of “continue” can be achieved using the GoTo statement.
OptionExplicitSub ContinueExample()'Iteration variableDim i AsInteger'Initialization and stop conditionFor i = 1 To 5'Skipping iterations 2 and 4If i = 2 Or i = 4 Then Debug.Print "Skipping " & iGoTo SkipIterationEnd If'This part of the code is skipped (if "continue" condition is True) Debug.Print "Iteration " & i'Control flow jumps here after GoTo statementSkipIteration:Next i 'IncrementEnd Sub
10.12 Exit Do and Exit For Statements
Sometimes you need to exit a loop before it completes all iterations. To prematurely exit loops when a condition is met you can:
Use Exit Do statement in Do ... Loop
Use Exit For statement in For ... Next
In the example below, the For loop is supposed to go over 10 iterations but it is finished sooner.
Listing 10.7: A For loop supposed to go over 10 iterations but it is finished after 5 iterations. The loop body prints the value of i. The loop stops when i is equal to 5. The Exit For statement breaks out of the loop. The code after the loop is executed.
OptionExplicitSub ExitDoForExample()'Iteration variableDim i AsInteger'Initialization and stop conditionFor i = 1 To 10'Premature termination conditionIf i = 5 ThenExit For 'Break out of the loop!End If Debug.Print "Iteration " & iNext i 'Increment (i = i + 1)'`Exit For` makes the flow jump to the first code line after the loop Debug.Print "Finished execution."End Sub
Listing 10.8: A Do While loop that prints the numbers from 1 to 5. The loop is supposed to run indefinitely, but it is terminated when count is greater than 5. The loop body prints the value of count and increments count by 1. The loop stops when count is equal to 5.
Sub DoWhileLoopExampleWithExit()'Iteration variableDim count AsInteger'Initialization count = 1'Infinite loopDo While True Debug.Print "Count: " & count'Increment iteration variable (count = count + 1) count = count + 1'Stop condition (stop if evaluates to True)If count > 5 ThenExit DoEnd IfLoop Debug.Print "Finished program."End Sub